ANF Technologies, LLC announces the next generation in Image Request Management
ANF Technology Suite Version 2.75
As with previous versions ANF provides "cradle to grave" Image Request Management.
ANF accepts request input from any source
ANF features automatic retrieval for all qualified requests.
Non-qualified requests are categorized into 27 work baskets
Complete support for Legacy Archives (ASI, Vector, Pegasus, etc.)
Unique Queue interface provides tools required to trouble shoot a non-qualified request
Automatic request distribution
New or enhanced features in ANF Technology Suite Version 2.75.
Support for Windows 7/8 and Windows Server 2008
Support for Citrix (Xenapp)
Support for additional requester systems
Support for additional data sources
Completely integrated user interface
Access all available information through one interface
No separate interface for distribution or image client
View images
Add or modify information
Retrieve distribution information
New "Detailed Item View" screen is always available
Keep it open while researching in a queue (work basket)
Refer to a separate request or item without leaving the work basket
View images as well as data from the "Detailed Item View"
Create CD/DVD from the "Detailed Item View"
Email images and/or data from the "Detailed Item View"